The life of The Girl Shelby

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Whilst I’m waiting for a rather large Excel spreadsheet to finish updating I thought I’d make what may possibly be the last post of my twenties. I can’t believe that I move into a whole new demographic in 2 days time! As ever I still don’t feel much older than 8 most of the time and I can’t see that changing on Thursday.

The weekend was dull. I thought I’d have a quiet one as the next couple of weeks will be manic. However, due to the District Manager infatuation time on my hands just sent me demented. I really should have found more things to occupy my time. I spent most of the weekend daydreaming and then banging my head against the metaphorical wall telling myself to get over it. However, I have been good and not contacted him this week and I have even given up the opportunity of going up to Liverpool again next week to a conference that I know he will be at and that he suggested I go back to Liverpool for (and before anyone accusing me of letting my work suffer I am going to exactly the same conference on a different day, but in the emotionally safer Burton-on-Trent) Hopefully, then by the time I get back from holiday it will all be nothing more than a dim and distant memory.

I was about to wind this up when I got hauled into a meeting with my Operations Director. Amongst other things he was asking how I got on seeing the shops last week. Interestingly, it seems I got the extended tour as he was really surprised that I’d been out all day with District Manager when most people only go out for a couple of hours. Perhaps if I’d got the usual treatment I might not be feeling like this now. I also found out that things don’t actually get that much worse from what I’d already seen so it also looks as if someone was talking himself up a bit…

As I don’t have anything more to add this really is the end of this post…
