Our systems are on a go slow so I thought I’d start an update. I’m trying to think of what has been going on in the last couple of weeks. I guess the biggest event was the work summer barbeque last week. I had such a good time as although I enjoyed myself last year I didn’t know that many people. This year I spent most of my time with people outside of Finance. I spent a long time with my Regional Managers and Operations director and as a result have got myself invited to several regional meetings (I think that is a good thing) I drank lots, danced and generally had a good time. The weather even managed to be quite summer like so we were outside for most of the evening.
Friday I was tired and hungover so it was not a good time for the Liverpool District Manager to call. He did an excellent job of upsetting my equilibrium especially as I have spent months trying to convince myself that I don’t like him. Basically he wanted me to make some changes to his budgets for him and I refused. He begged and offered me a number of things which under normal circumstance I would have jumped at, but as I am a consummate professional I still refused. After getting both of our managers involved I ended up making the changes (my manager was the one who relented, not me. I can be hard even with the object of my affections) Once I’d made the changes I sent an e mail to him with the details and got the following reply “Many thanks for your help, I owe you a large one !!!!!!!” I really should have left it there. However, I was persuaded to reply by my so called colleagues/friends and manager. After much debate I simply wrote back saying “Promises, promises!” which was quite tame considering some of the suggestions I had. My problem is that I’m now mortified that I even responded as I have to work with this guy and that might have been a step too far. I’m hoping that we have a quiet few weeks so that by the time I next have to see him we’ll have both magically forgotten that I ever sent such message.
I went to Rhythms of the World in Hitchin at the weekend. I went with my sister and her boyfriend and it was lovely spending some time with them, which is more than I can say about the festival. I’ve never been before and as so much was being made of it I thought I’d pop along. Personally I really couldn’t see what all of the fuss was about – no one appeared to be even listening to the music. Really they could ditch the music and just call it an excuse for lots of random people to get drunk in the town.
I’ve hit 3 stone of weight loss now. I managed not to put on any weight after the excesses of the barbeque which I was really happy about.
This weekend I get to see friend Jennifer Jackme who is back after 10 months after travelling the world. I also have the Christening of friend Boopsie Venus’s baby. If anyone has a brilliant idea of what I can get the year old ankle-biter I’d love to hear it. I’ve only ever been to one christening before and that was when I was little. Not having been Christened myself I have no idea what I am supposed to buy!